This is something I came across recently that I thought was interesting and funny. :)The official U.S. Air Service's 1920 regulations for operation an aircraft:
2. Never leave the ground with the motor leaking.
3. Never get out of the machine with the motor running until the pilot relieving you can reach the engine controls.
4. The pilot should carry hankies in a handy position to wipe off goggles.
5.Riding on the steps, wings or tail of the machine is prohibited.
6. In case the engine fails on takeoff, land straight ahead regardless of obstacles.
7. No machine must taxi faster then a man can walk.
8.Do not trust the altitude instruments.
9.Before you begin a landing glide, see that no machines are under you.
10. If you see another machine near you get out of its way.
11. Pilots will not wear spurs while flying.
12. If an emergency occurs while flying, land as soon as you can. :)
"No machine must taxi faster then a man can walk." LOL! How funny Emily.
Those are hilarious! My favorite is probably,
"Never leave the ground with the motor leaking."
"In case the engine fails on takeoff, land straight ahead regardless of obstacles."
Those are very funny- especially the one above!
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