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Friday, April 25, 2014

In Awe of God's Power

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." -Genesis 1:1

"He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing." Job 27:7

"Let all the earth fear the Lord: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. For He spake, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast." Psalm 33:9-10

Monday, April 14, 2014

Total Lunar Eclipse Tonight!

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork" Psalm 19:1

                 Partial lunar eclipse Sep.7, 2006 (Photo source Wikipedia) 

The eclipse tonight begins at 12:58 A.M. central time zone. It will be the first of two total lunar eclipses this year. 

"The April 15 eclipse will be visible in the Pacific Ocean region, including Australia and New Zealand, as well as North and South America. The moon will pass south of the center of the Earth's shadow. As a result, the northern part of the moon will be noticeably darker than the southern part." -Wikipedia 

I'm looking forward to watching the moon tonight! :) Hoping it's visible out one of our windows, it's 
still pretty cold here in Saskatchwan.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Day By Day :)

  1. Two of our sweet little ones, Abigail (3) and Matthew Charles (5 months). Love them very much:):) this picture makes me smile. :)

    The hymn below was a blessing to me tonight when I was feeling weary after a long day, and up late with the little man in picture above, he thought it was a good idea to stay up as long as he could and fuss.  Motherhood is not always easy, it's a 24/7 job, an incredible privilege, and also incredibly demanding. I've shared the following quote before, but thought I would again because I like it so much. :) 

    "Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. GOD is Who we need."  ~Kim Brenneman 

    Day by day, and with each passing moment,
    Strength I find, to meet my trials here;
    Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment,
    I’ve no cause for worry or for fear.
    He Whose heart is kind beyond all measure
    Gives unto each day what He deems best—
    Lovingly, its part of pain and pleasure,
    Mingling toil with peace and rest.
  2. Every day, the Lord Himself is near me
    With a special mercy for each hour;
    All my cares He fain would bear, and cheer me,
    He Whose Name is Counselor and Pow’r.
    The protection of His child and treasure
    Is a charge that on Himself He laid;
    “As thy days, thy strength shall be in measure,”
    This the pledge to me He made.
  3. Help me then in every weary hour
    So to trust Thy promises, O Lord,
    That I lose not faith’s sweet consolation
    Offered me within Thy holy Word.
    Help me, Lord, when toil and trouble meeting,
    E’er to take, as from a father’s hand,
    One by one, the days, the moments fleeting,
    Till I reach the promised land.
  4. :)