See our great God has drawn these two together
Now He will join them two complete as one.
He has given them sweet love for each other,
A new page of life for them has begun!
As they now grow through unknown joys or sorrows,
Our great blessed God grant special grace Divine.
Cause them to look to You before all others,
That Christ’s blessed Life might ever from them shine!
Faithful till death, these two dear ones together,
Caring and sharing your great glorious love;
Always forgiving, all and one another,
For any wrong that either one has done.
Father, and Son, and Spirit blessing ever,
Come and anoint these two who seek Your grace!
Bless them in life, LORD, fruitful and abundant,
As we all now do humbly seek Your face!
Being brought together, joined by You as one.
May Your kind hand guide safe through all tomorrows,
And bring them safe to Your eternal home.